Monday, July 20, 2009

One Mylyn to rule tasks all

The issue tracker of Google Code hosting page is cool thing. But when I'm drowned in source code barely will I check the web UI for new issues. And here it comes - famous Mylyn as Eclipse task manager subsytem. I was sure that it has to be way how to connect Google Code issue tracker with Mylyn in my IDE. First searches point to discussions with please implement this feature topics. I started to be sceptic. Later I found Alex Ruiz's post with instructions to enable mentioned functionality. I have small problems a than I found event better tutorial for this by Alex Blewitt and it looks more improved. Thanks both you guys. Now I will rewrite settings for aktiff project here:

First of all download the newest version of Mylyn. Embedded version in Eclipse Ganymede isn't apparently enough. Go to Eclipse update manager to tab Installed Software and find 8 packages of Mylyn subsystem (all of them begins with word Mylyn). Highlight them all using Shift key and press Update button. The newest version of Mylyn in time of writing this post was 3.2.0. Accept and restart as always.

Second thing to do is to download Advanced Mylyn Web Connector which is available from Mylyn incubator. Go to Eclipse update manager and add site. It is enough to download just this one component. Accept and restart Eclipse application.

Open the Task Repositories view (by default it is located also in SVN perspective). Select Add Task Repository and select Web Template (Advanced) option in the wizard window. In next window it is necessary provide following data:

User ID:
[your Google Account name]
[your generated Google Code password] - you can find it here
search (no value)
can (value 2)
Task URL:
New Task URL:
Query Request URL:${serverUrl}/csv?can=${can}&colspec=ID+Status+Type+Owner+Summary&q=${search}Query Pattern:^"({Id}[0-9]+?)","({Status}.*?)","({Type}.*?)","({Owner}.*?)","({Description}.*?)"$

Click the Finish button. Then you will be asked if you want create new query for given task repository. You can change default values of given parameters (if not you will qyery all opened task of aktiff project):

Possible values for can parameter:
  1. All issues
  2. Open issues
  3. Open and owned by me
  4. Open and reported by me
  5. Open and starred by me
  6. New issues
  7. Issues to verify

Possible values for search paramater:

Text search of just those sections
The google account userid, or the special value me as a synonym for yourself
Corresponds to the status labels, e.g.
  • New
  • Accepted
  • Started
  • Fixed
  • Verified
  • Invalid
  • Duplicate
  • WontFix
  • Done
isnot:openShort-hand operators for status types; note that can>1 effectively have is:openlabel:
Searches for a label with the given tag
Searches for a label tag-value

The tag:value is especially handy, because you can add any kind of labels you want to a project and can search on them easily. For example, priority:medium and type:enhancement are both variants of label:priority-medium and label:type-enhancement respectively.

Note that you can combine searches; they form a logical ‘and’ together (so owner:me priority:high just gives my high priority items). If you want to have either me tasks or high priority ones, you can use owner:me OR priority:high. For some reason, the upper case of OR is important.

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